Steering in the Right Direction

Steering in the Right Direction

Today being the last day of the year and, in fact, the last day of the decade, most of us will spend it reflecting on the past. We will think of all the things we have done and all the things we have left undone. We will also look to the future and make plans for the...
The Politics of Perception

The Politics of Perception

Don’t let the title of this column scare you.  This is not a political editorial piece, but rather, my perception on perception.  If that sounds confusing, please bear with me.    Have you ever visited someone’s home and, upon entering,...
Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory

Life is not always picture perfect and you don’t always come out smelling like a rose. Sometimes, no matter how hard you prepare, random things will happen that will throw your life into utter chaos. Then, just when you think order can never be restored, two...
The Signs Are Out There

The Signs Are Out There

Some of life’s mysteries are small, making you scratch your head and move on. Some are big, grand statements that will completely stop you in your tracks, making you reevaluate everything you ever thought you knew. If you are very observant you will see that...

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