Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Through the years, my children have written many letters to Santa. They have asked for everything from stuffed animals and dolls to major electronics. As they got older, they wanted cell phones and automobiles. Their father and I did everything we could to make sure...
Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree

My life, like everyone’s, has been a series of ups and downs. I tend to be a positive person but there are times that even an upbeat person like myself can have down times. Last Christmas Season was one of those times. There were no stockings hung from the...


At one time or another we have all felt broken, unwanted and useless. Maybe it was the time someone broke up with you in high school or maybe it was as recent as today when it seemed like everything you did was wrong. Whether it was a long time ago or recently, it...
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Winter is upon us.  It is a gift of nature.  The kind of gift we sometimes would like to refuse.  It brings with it early darkness, chilly days, high electric bills, and flu season.  So who would want a gift like that?  There have been many...
Isn’t It Ironic

Isn’t It Ironic

As I stare at the blank page not knowing what I should write about, I find myself at a loss for words. Which for a person like myself is a rare anomaly. I ask and pray for guidance as I retrace my week looking for inspiration. Day after day, I recover memories from a...
A Number of Things

A Number of Things

Life is mysterious…A Number of Things My age is the one number I am more than proud to share with everyone. In fact, four and a half years ago, on my 50th birthday, I started this column. This was a particularly meaningful birthday for me because my mother died...

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