Christmas Spirit

Christmas Spirit

Let’s face facts. It is easy to be a skeptic. After-all, look at the world we live in. The nightly news is littered with one bad news story after another and sometimes it seems as though we have no hope. This year in particular, we have been divided more than...
Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree

My life, like everyone’s, has been a series of ups and downs. I tend to be a positive person but there are times that even an upbeat person like myself can have down times. Last Christmas Season was one of those times. There were no stockings hung from the...
Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Winter is upon us.  It is a gift of nature.  The kind of gift we sometimes would like to refuse.  It brings with it early darkness, chilly days, high electric bills, and flu season.  So who would want a gift like that?  There have been many...

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