Popcorn and Love

Popcorn and Love

As I sit down to write this I am filled with much hesitation as I am not sure how you, the reader, will take it.  For that matter I am not sure how I feel about it.  While I am a believer in life’s mysteries some of the events and things that have happened leave...
Paper Napkin

Paper Napkin

There is a topic that has been weighing heavy on my heart for a long time.  I have lightly addressed it in past columns like ‘Selling Jesus’, but, have never boldly spoken about it outright.  That changes now.  What happened? You see, a few weeks ago, Pamela, one of...
A Dog’s Tale, A Love Story

A Dog’s Tale, A Love Story

A much-needed weekend getaway for my husband John and myself confirmed some mysterious facts I instinctively already knew. The following is the crazy account of our weekend. We set up camp on the clinch river at a friend’s property vacation home. Our small vintage...
Guarding the Guardians

Guarding the Guardians

In sharing this story, I am having to rekindle emotions that I normally try not to revisit. Bear with me as I can assure you it will be written with many tears and much heartache. Almost 10 years ago my husband and I went to the funeral of a young Marine, LCPL Ray...
The Circle of Life, Continues

The Circle of Life, Continues

Two and a half years ago I wrote a column chronicling my joy of becoming a grandmother for the first time.  In it, I opened the story sharing the fact that I was mopping the floor as I looked on at the new little family enjoying bonding time together.  I...
Tough Tony from Tennessee

Tough Tony from Tennessee

May is my son’s birthday month and I am revisiting the very first story I ever wrote for this column over five years ago that explores the miracle surrounding his birth. I was so excited to share this story to the world and most people who read it were very grateful...

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