Soul Searching

Soul Searching

Life is Mysterious…Soul Searching I had my first anxiety attack when I was just 8 years old. I remember it vividly. It was a ‪Wednesday evening and my father wanted to go to a new church, one that was charismatic meaning that prayer would be with voices and arms...
Steering in the Right Direction

Steering in the Right Direction

Today being the last day of the year and, in fact, the last day of the decade, most of us will spend it reflecting on the past. We will think of all the things we have done and all the things we have left undone. We will also look to the future and make plans for the...
Trial by Fire

Trial by Fire

Life Is Mysterious…Trial by Fire states that a trial by fire is a test of one’s abilities to perform well under pressure. The following is a story about someone who did just that, not once, but twice. I met Laine several years ago when she...
Christmas Spirit

Christmas Spirit

Let’s face facts. It is easy to be a skeptic. After-all, look at the world we live in. The nightly news is littered with one bad news story after another and sometimes it seems as though we have no hope. This year in particular, we have been divided more than...
Dear Santa

Dear Santa

Through the years, my children have written many letters to Santa. They have asked for everything from stuffed animals and dolls to major electronics. As they got older, they wanted cell phones and automobiles. Their father and I did everything we could to make sure...

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