I can not speak for everyone, but I can tell you that lately I have been feeling a little bit hopeless. My seasonal depression mixed with politics, Covid 19 and the fact that people are just down right rude to one another have had me questioning society. Will we ever bounce back and be civil to one another?

I blame the 24 hour news cycle that fills the airwaves with opinionated talking heads whose only job is to titillate us enough that we come back for more. Facts are irrelevant. I blame social media which gives us a false sense of anonymity and lets us think we can say things we would never utter aloud. I blame the entertainment industry. I blame video games. I blame, I blame, I blame, and with all my blaming, I was losing hope in our future, until…

There is hope…

This past ‪Friday night, while coming out of a local store, my husband John and I were greeted by five bright smiling faces. “Do you want to buy some Girl Scout cookies?” they all asked in unison. “Oh no! We don’t have any cash!” we exclaimed. Together, with enthusiasm, they all shouted, “We take cards!”

I was so blown away by these young budding entrepreneurs that we had to buy a few boxes. As we picked out our selection I was struck by all their youthful optimism and they warmed my hardened heart.

The twinkle in their eyes and the happy energy they exuded filled me with hope.

These five young ladies standing out in the night air selling cookies for the Girl Scouts, adhering to Covid 19 precautions wearing masks, gloves and standing behind a plexiglass petition, were exactly what I needed.

Just what I needed

“Sales are down this year,” exclaimed one of the mothers, but you wouldn’t know it by the girls. They were happy to share with us that all their profits were going to go to Holston Home and Isaiah 117.

The more I talked to them the more I knew they were going to be my story this week. I mean, who doesn’t love delicious cookies and cheerful young children. The only thing that could have brightened my dark mood a little more would have been if they were holding puppies, too.

So, with my gloom and doom attitude lifted by Troop 1090, I asked them what they loved best about being in the Girl Scouts to which they replied helping the community and making friends. And with that, these five little girls taught me a lesson.

Hope lives on…

Even in our darkest times as a country with political strife and a pandemic, happiness comes from helping other people and by connecting to others. Feeling more hopeful in our future, I turned to leave and told the girls that my husband was going to write all their names down because he is a better speller than I am. Instantly and with out skipping a beat, little Autumn ran up to me and told me “That’s ok,” as she looked me in the eye with total understanding. In fact, she  was beaming with compassion and just like that I knew  everything was going to be ok. Just like Autumn said. Life is mysterious.

Pictured above.

Front row
Kenderlan Watson-
Autumn Stanley-
Karrisen Watson-
Back row
Zaelyn Fillers –
Summer Tweed-

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