I love the following story so much that I get goosebumps whenever I think about it.  The feeling I get comes partly from the story itself, but, it also has to do with the timing of it. You see, I never seek out stories, but rather, they find me and this story is no different.  

I knew it was a feel good tale and that alone made it worthy of being written. But then, right before I sat down to put it on paper I received a message from the Devine about exactly how important this story is.  And with that, more goosebumps.

The holidays are here and many of us are thinking about the gifts we want to give or the ones we want to receive. Electronics, jewelry, clothing, and perfume will be given in excess. But despite all our efforts, some of us will give and get things we don’t need or want.  In all honesty, only a few of us have given or received the perfect gift.

Meet Cierra

Meet Cierra Goode, a 28 year-old single mother of a 2 year-old daughter, Taylin.  I met this amazing beautiful young lady several years ago and at the time I had no idea I would be writing a story about her. But as mysteries would have it, Cierra is about to give a couple the perfect gift.  The gift of love in a tiny bundle of joy otherwise known as a baby.

When Cierra first heard about being a surrogate, she didn’t take it seriously. But then, two years ago, she gave birth to her daughter and had a wonderful pregnancy and birth experience.  That fact combined with the fact Cierra has always enjoyed making people happy led her to a surrogacy agency.  

After almost a year of going through the lengthy process of becoming a surrogate, which involved medical tests, interviews, psychological exams and legal documents, Cierra was flown out to Portland, Oregon to become a  gestational surrogate.  

An Explanation

According to Web MD, a gestational surrogate uses in vitro fertilization (IVF) which makes it possible to gather eggs from the mother, fertilize them with sperm from the father, and place the embryo into the uterus of a gestational surrogate.”

“The surrogate then carries the baby until birth. They don’t have any genetic ties to the child because it wasn’t their egg that was used.”  

“In the U.S., gestational surrogacy is less complex legally. That’s because both intended parents have genetic ties to the baby. As a result, gestational surrogacy has become more common than a traditional surrogate. About 750 babies are born each year using gestational surrogacy.”

While Cierra’s medical bills and expenses are paid for by the parents, let there be no mistake that what she is doing is one of the most selfless acts of generous love a person can do.

Very Rare

In the almost six years of writing this column I have shared many stories of miracles and mysteries, but I can actually only think of one other time I was blessed to write about an act of selfless love.  That involved a man who gave his kidney to a total stranger in the column titled “The Unselfish Gift”, Sept 29, 2015.

I am now sharing the story of how a young single mother is giving another stranger the gift of love.  Ironically, both of these incredible people gave or are giving their recipients the gift of life, to which there is no greater gift.

When talking to Cierra she told me that when she and the parents met they knew immediately that she was meant to be their surrogate.  A white couple from Maryland and a black woman from Tennessee “just knew,” according to Cierra. By the way, the IVF took the very first time and since then the couple FaceTime during medical appointments and talk on the phone weekly.  They also plan on being there for the birth of their child.

God spoke to me

Acts 20:35 says, “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

I can imagine how blessed with joy the couple will feel on the day of their child’s birth, but the blessing Cierra will feel is something only few get to experience.

I don’t believe in coincidence. Therefore, it is no mystery to me why the story of Cierra’s surrogacy came to my ears right now, the beginning of December.  The month we celebrate the gift of life given to us all by what might arguably be the most famous surrogate mother of them all.  After all, life is mysterious. 

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